Parliament has made changes to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (the Act) so that you no longer need to have a greater interest than the public generally to object to applications.
Anyone can object to an application for a licence, licence renewal, variation of licence conditions or special licence , with narrow exceptions for trade competitors and their surrogates.
The Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 (The Act) lists the following criteria as the only grounds for objecting to an application for an alcohol licence:
- suitability of the applicant
- any relevant local alcohol policy
- days and hours when alcohol will be sold
- the design and layout of any proposed premises
- whether the applicant is engaged in, or proposes to engage on the premises in, the sale of goods other than alcohol, low-alcohol refreshments, non-alcoholic refreshments and food; and if so, which goods
- whether the applicant is engaged in, or proposes on the premises to engage in, the provision of services other than those directly related to the sale of alcohol, low-alcohol refreshments, non-alcoholic refreshments and food; and if so, which services
- whether the amenity and good order of the locality would likely be reduced, to more than a minor extent, by the effects of the issue of the licence
- whether the amenity and good order of the locality are already so badly affected by existing licences that it is not desirable to issue any further licences
- whether the applicant has appropriate systems, staff and training to comply with the law.
If someone applies for a new application for an existing licence and they are not going to change the current operation, the grounds for the objection can only be the suitability of the applicant.
How to make an objection
Your objection must be filed with the DLC within 25 working days after the first public notice about the application appears in the newspaper. The full postal address of the DLC will be included in the notification.
Your objection must be made in writing and include your full name, address and contact telephone number. You may object only in relation to matters that are able to be considered when granting a licence - the licence criteria. You should clearly set out the reasons for your objection and also state whether or not you wish to appear at any hearing. Your objection will have greater effect if you attend the hearing personally and speak in support of your submission.
Download a copy of the objection template.
You can make an individual objection or participate in a written group submission, nominating one or two representatives to appear and present the objection at the hearing.
Once your objection is received, it becomes a public document and will be made available to the person applying for the licence and other people or organisations outside the DLC.