Application Forms
Building & Planning Approval
These Certificates are required to ensure that the premises comply with the Building Code as well as the Resource Management Act and District Plan requirements.
A Building Code Certificate and a Planning Certificate and/or Resource Consent is needed for all new applications of On, Off or Club licensed premises – these forms are included in the relevant aforementioned application forms.
Public Notice Form
Public Notices must be made for all On, Off and Club licence applications, new and renewal.
Some special licences may also require a public notice being placed in a newspaper. The newspaper advertisements are usually place with the local South Waikato News. These forms are included in the relevant aforementioned application forms.
On-site Notice
On-site notices must be displayed on the premises so they can be read from the outside by anyone walking past. If this is a brand new premises that is being built, then there be some way of attaching a notice. Once the notice is in place, you must take a photograph of it and send it to Council. The details are in the form which are included in the relevant aforementioned application forms.