Tokoroa Airfield

Need to know the fees and charges?
These are linked here. Direct banking can be made into account 02-0464-0103382-00. Please include your aircraft's registration, PIC and date of operation.
Civil Aviation Authority flight code: NZTO
The Tokoroa Airfield is owned by the South Waikato District Council (SWDC). It is located at Amisfield, just south of Tokoroa. It comprises a grass runway 1,120m long by 60m wide including a sealed landing strip 850m long by 18m wide. Aircraft up to 5,700kg are permitted to use the runway. The civil aviation status is 'non-certified' and 'unattended'. There is a single public toilet on site.
The airfield is available for daily rental for community events and commercial activities subject to prior bookings. Pilot training schools in the central North Island area use the airport for landing practice and 'touch and goes' on a regular basis. Several private hangar sites are leased on-site.
In addition to aviation uses, the airfield is used for the flying of umanned aircraft (UA), Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) and model aircraft. The airfield property also accommodates the Tokoroa Street Rodders Club, South Waikato Motocross Club and Tokoroa Kart Club and is used for a variety of other recreational activities and events..
South Waikato Supercross/Motocross arena is to the north of the runway. This is currently accessed through an easement over private farmland. West of the runway are the Tokoroa and Districts Aero Club clubhouse, Tokoroa Street Rodders clubhouse, existing private hangars, and Tokoroa Kart Club clubhouse and track. The grass strip along the east side of the runway is leased to the South Waikato Racing Club.
Unmanned Aircraft (UA)
This page details guidance around Unmanned Aircraft (UA) or what are more commonly known as drones.
All radio controlled model aircraft will be referred to as Unmanned Aircraft (UA) and includes Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA), Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).
Regardless of shape or size, Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) rules apply to them all.
If you are new to using a Unmanned Aircraft, Airshare is a good place to get information. Its web page has been designed to provide links for a quick guide to the process of using an unmanned aircraft and logging a flight among other resources.
Visit the Rules page and read the Part 101 operating rules in particular. Part 101 applies to all Unmanned Aircraft operators, even if you are just flying at your local park. If you have any questions about the rules, you can check FAQs and/or visit the news hub page.
In the South Waikato we have several parks where Council permits flying of Unmanned Aircraft.
At all times CAA rules apply.
Advice from Civil Aviation Authority:
This is a notification that the following information has been added to the CAA website.