About Alcohol Licensing
The Licensing Process
The Environmental Health department regulates a number of licensing operations that are required by law. Alcohol licensing encompasses a host of areas, from restaurants, bars, supermarkets, liquor stores and sports clubs to community or schools wanting to hold a fundraising function at which they wish to sell alcohol. All alcohol licensing is processed by the Environmental Health Department at Council. For more information please contact us.
You must have the correct licences to sell and supply alcohol. To apply for any alcohol licence, call Council and speak to the Alcohol Licensing Inspector. They will talk you through the application process and post/email you the applicable forms. The application checklist will help you to lodge a complete application. Once you have completed the application form, contact an inspector to arrange a pre-lodgement meeting.
Each licence has its own application form and documentation requirements, please note each application attracts a non-refundable fee which essentially pays for the work undertaken by the staff involved.
Applications for any licence must be made to the South Waikato District Licensing Committee (DLC) on the appropriate form with all supporting information.
Once lodged, applications are forwarded to the Police and in some instances, the Medical Officer of Health (MoH) who then forwards a report back to the DLC. Applications for new and renewal on, off and club licences must be publicly notified and a notice must also be put onsite. Only on rare occasions will a special licence application require a public notice.
The Licensing Inspector will then writes a report and forward it, along with the other reports, to the DLC. The DLC decides whether to approve the application.
The DLC will usually issue a licence or manager’s certificate if there are no public objections or opposition reports received. If there are any objections received then it is likely that the Secretary will convene a hearing.
New Licenses
It is important to note that an alcohol licence is specific to the licensee and the premises. If the licensee moves their business to other premises they need to apply for a new licence for the new premises. If the owner of the business changes, the new owner needs to apply for a new licence.
For general information about applying for a licence to sell or supply alcohol please contact the Environmental Health department and speak with a Licensing Inspector.
Renewal Applications
The South Waikato District Council usually sends out reminder notices to renew Managers Certificate’s, On, Off and Club licence renewals and Temporary Authorities - however, this is by way of a courtesy as there is no legislative requirement to do this.
Please be aware that your certificate and licence renewals are your responsibility to ensure that they are renewed on time. If they are not renewed on or before the expiry date, you run the risk of not being a Manager or selling alcohol.