Granite is a very popular and commonly used type of igneous rock. Granite usually has a grainy coarse texture, but can be buffed to be extremely smooth. Granite has many uses including kitchen benches, to use in artwork as this piece has shown. The colour of granite can vary from shades of pink to the more commonly known grey colour, this is dependent on their mineralogy.
Pumice is volcanic rock (solidified frothy lava), it is usually created under extreme heats and erupted from a volcano. Pumice main uses are for lightweight concrete as well as breeze blocks'. Other uses include the pumice being used as an abrasive, and commonly seen in polishes and exfoliants, as well as beauty salons to remove dead skin cells during the pedicure process. Other materials include; shells, bones, concrete and household rubbish.
Artist Notes
Donald was born and raised in New Zealand and is from Hokitika. He has used lots of different rock and objects found from around our District in his sculpture. He has also used serpentine rock brought up from the South Island. In the work he does, Donald likes to look at the way we use, and are influenced by the environment. He is an original and board artist, he has many original works that all vary in construction.