Water Supply
District Water Supply
The water supply to the District originates mainly from artesian springs and deep bores. Council provides four urban and two rural water supply services with a combined reticulation length of 223.28km.
- Arapuni - 7.74 km
- Putāruru - 53.38 km
- Tīrau - 15.86 km
- Tokoroa - 146.3 km
- Athol - 3.95 km (obtains bulk water from Carter Holt Harvey, Kinleith)
- Lichfield - 0.88 km
The provision of potable water is provided to all urban centres and other selected groups of lifestyle properties. This service is considered a core Council activity.
All of our water supplies - Tīrau, Arapuni, Putāruru (Glenshea and Te Waihou) and Lichfield - are treated with chlorine, ultraviolet and cartridge filtration. Tokoroa's water supply has chlorine, fluoride and ultraviolet.
Water Supply Service
The Water Supply team operates and maintains the District's water schemes and responds on a 24-hour basis to unplanned events.
The team has a broad spectrum of competent and skilled staff capable of undertaking a number of core functions. These include delivery of potable household water, water treatment, laboratory work, remote monitoring and control and other areas such as light engineering, small motor repairs and swimming pool maintenance.
The team aim to achieve a high standard of efficient and economic service to the residents of the district in accordance with the South Waikato District Council's Long Term Plan (LTP).
For more information please refer to the SWDC - Water Asset Management Plan