Solid Waste Options - have your say
Council needs to address the future management of solid waste in the South Waikato. The South Waikato community is urged to have their say on options for the solid waste, under a Special Consultative Process (SCP) signalled in the Long Term Plan.
"The drivers for the change is that the Tokoroa landfill resource consent expires in October 2020 and the current landfill will be full around the same time," said Chief Executive Ben Smit. " Council has worked with engineering and waste consultants to develop two options - transporting waste by truck to a large commercial disposal site or constructing a new landfill at the current landfill site."
Regardless of which option we go with we need to construct a Transfer Station. If we transport waste out, the Transfer Station is required to store waste and if we build a new landfill, we need to restrict access to the tip face going forward for health and safety reasons.
"Council does have a preferred option - to transport waste to an alternative disposal site," he continued. "Managing landfills is becoming increasingly stringent with massive consent requirements. We need to look at an option that provides for best practice and best value to ratepayers and landfill users now and into the future."
"While we do have a preferred option, we are very interested in feedback from our community," continued Mr Smit.
Engineering estimates put the capital cost of a Transfer Station at around $2 million (applicable to both options). The cost of building a new landfill is around $5 million. Both options have ongoing operational costs of between $2.5 and $3 million. Final estimates won't be available until after detailed design work. The costs associated with these changes affect every ratepayer and landfill user.
There is already and will continue to be significant changes to how we manage our waste, particularly a focus on minimising our waste and reducing waste to landfill.
"Our community expect, and deserve the right to ensure a sustainable future by reducing the amount of resources we throw away, re-using and recycling everything possible, and thinking about the impact on the environment every time we shop," continued Mr Smit. "We'll listen very carefully to what people have to say as they give us feedback on our Solid Waste proposal."
Follow this link for the Consultation Document and to make a submission. Consultation is open until Thursday 31 January 2019. Ends: words: 405