Putaruru Moving Forward - survey time
Putāruru Moving Forward (a group of local business people) is working alongside Pride in Putāruru on a Putāruru Concept Plan. And they are looking for your input in the development of this plan.
"We are running a survey to find out what about Putāruru is important to people, what improvements they would like to see and where Putāruru needs to head into the future," said Raewyn Whiteman-Thorne, member of Putāruru Moving Forward.
"The key components of the draft plan to date is to create a vibrant small town within a progressive rural community that is a great place to live in," continued Mrs Whiteman-Thorne. "In addition our thinking is to make Putāruru the best regional rural commercial service town; a great place to stop, leveraging off attractions like Te Waihou and Waikato River Trails; and a great place to shop."
The group wants community feedback on how important these factors are to individuals and what aspects of Putāruru's social fabric are strengths and what opportunities there are for improvement. This feedback will be provided to the public and feed into further development of the concept plan.
If you would like to participate in the survey, please see the online link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/putaruruconceptplan . The survey closes at 4pm on Tuesday 20 September and the results of the survey will be presented at the Putāruru Business Awards on Saturday 15 October.
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