Trusted Firewood Suppliers

About Council's Burnwise Scheme
Council's BurnWise Scheme endorses wood merchants who commit to providing good wood in the community.
Burnwise Suppliers
- AAA Trees 027 311 5681 -
- Balmoral Firewood Supplies (07) 886 7550 -
- Choppa-Block Ltd 027 966 3246 -
- South Waikato Achievement Trust (07) 886 8941 -
More Information on Good Wood
How can you tell if wood is dry or wet?
- Dry wood has cracks in the ends.
- Dry wood weighs less than wet wood.
- Two dry pieces of wood knocked together make a loud hollow sound.
- Use a moisture meter to measure the moisture content - 20% or less is ideal.
Need more to know more about the best wood to burn and how to stack it? Click here.
Visit the New Zealand Healthy Homes Association website for tips on how to use your wood burner.
Look here for more info about wood burners.
Did you know that you can burn smoke-free?
Watch Waikato Regional's video on how "How to Build a Smoke-free Fire".
The amount and thickness of smoke coming from your flue or chimney is a good indication of how well you are burning.
When you have a fire going, go outside and look at the smoke coming from your chimney. Use the scale below to check how well you are operating your wood burner:
- If the smoke looks like the picture on the left - congratulations! You are operating your wood burner right.
- If it looks like the two pictures to the right, your wood burner is producing extra smoke that is making our air quality worse - which is not good for our health and well being.
Check out the HOT tips below for better ways to burn.

Better Burning HOT Tips
- Start the fire with newspaper and kindling (pine cones work well and firelighters are good too).
- Keep the air vent open so that your fire burns brightly.
- Split wood to around 15cm thick.
- Only use larger pieces once the fire is well established.
- Don't overload your wood burner.
- Before winter have your flue/chimney cleaned.
- When cleaning your wood burner, leave a bed of ash of about an inch at the bottom of the fireplace at all times to aid better burning and protect the firebox.
And the HOTTEST tip...
- Only burn seasoned dry wood