What is the Three Strikes system?
The "Three Strikes and You’re Out" system is being introduced as part of the new waste collection service. It is a common system throughout New Zealand to combat recycling contamination. The system is not much different to what we are currently doing with contaminated crates being stickered.
This system only applies to the recycling bin and glass crate(s).
- With the Three Strikes system, the first time recycling contamination is noted, a yellow sticker will be stuck on your wheelie bin, reminding the resident of the recycling rules.
- The second time recycling contamination is noted, an orange sticker will be stuck on your wheelie bin. You will also receive a visit from a Council officer to have a chat about the contamination in your wheelie bin. This visit will assist you on your recycling journey. The orange sticker and visit will highlight that if a third strike happens, your recycling collection service will be suspended for twelve weeks (six collections).
- The third time recycling contamination is noted at your address, a red sticker will be stuck to your wheelie bin. You will also receive a letter explaining that your recycling collection service (not rubbish collection) has been suspended for a period of twelve weeks.
Remember that one wheelie bin of contaminated recycling can contaminate an entire truck load of recycling. This wastes the efforts of every other person.