Land Information Memoranda (LIM)
How do I apply for a LIM?
A LIM application form must be completed for each property. We no longer offer hard copy forms and applications are all to be completed online.
Please note that some properties may require Council to produce more than one LIM, with fees applying to each LIM report issued. Generally, a separate LIM report will be required for each Certificate of Title. However this is not always the case for every property. Please contact Council for further information if required.
Payment must be made on application.
Payment may be made by cash or eftpos at a Council office, or by internet banking / direct credit. If paying by internet banking, we recommend the use of your bank's Bill Payment service. Council is pre-registered with all main banks. Log on to your internet banking bill payment service and search for South Waikato District Council Debtors. If you are unable to use an internet banking bill payment system, Council's bank account number is 02 0464 0103382 00. Please ensure you include your name and 'LIM' in the reference fields with your payment. (Do not include the property valuation number with the payment).
More information about online payments is available here. If applying for a LIM online, we accept internet banking or credit card payment options.
Frequently Asked Questions About LIMs
What is a Land Information Memoranda (LIM)?
A LIM is a report prepared by the Council that contains a summary of any relevant information that the Council has on file about a property, including the land and buildings. LIMs are issued in accordance with Section 44A of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. The Act requires that LIMs are issued within 10 working days of request and specifies minimum information to be included in the report.
Are LIMs available to view at Council Offices?
No. LIMs are only compiled on request and require a detailed search of all of Council's records before they can be issued. We are not able to advise of the exact contents of a LIM before the search of our records has been undertaken.
Can I view an old LIM?
No. Old LIMs for a property will have been paid for, prepared for the exclusive use of, and are owned by the person who requested the report. Old LIMs may also no longer contain accurate or complete information due to changes to the property or more recent information becoming available since the report was produced. If you obtain a copy of a LIM from another person, please note that the information was only accurate as at the date the LIM was prepared. Please also note that there is no guarantee that the LIM has not been altered or had parts removed. While an old LIM may be of some use to you, Council will have no liability if you rely on the contents of that report.
Can I just view building records?
Some building records may be viewed free of charge on computers in the Tokoroa and Putāruru Council Offices and can be printed out for a fee. Please note that for various reasons some building records may not show on the building file for a particular property. It may be possible to obtain basic building consent information by emailing or by phoning Council. Please note however, that the Customer Services Officers will be relying on the same information available in the building file mentioned above - which may be incomplete. Council accepts no responsibility if customers rely on information obtained either by themselves or from Council staff based on the public building file records. Only a LIM provides customers with legal protection under the Act.
There is a common misconception that a LIM is all about building consents. While building consents are important there is far more information about a property that can be revealed in a LIM. Please see the next section for more about what is in a LIM.
What information will be in a LIM?
- Land contamination information
- Information from the Council Hazards database (flooding, landfill, tomos, noise from roads or nearby industry etc.)
- Advice if the property has housed a Hazardous Activity or Industry
(can have significant implications under new National Environmental Standards) - Location of Council water, sewer and storm water pipes or drains (may limit ability to build on the land)
- Location of any protected natural areas, features, trees or buildings on the property
- Advice of Resource Consents issued to neighbouring properties
- Details of Resource Consents relating to the property
- Property zoning information
- Building warrant of fitness / compliance schedule information
- Aerial photograph with indication of boundary location (not guaranteed survey quality)
- Refuse and recycling collection information
- License details - ie food premises, liquor, health, hairdressing
- Rating valuation information
- Annual rates for the property
- Current rates balance including arrears if any
- If there are extra charges for water supply via a water meter
- Swimming pool fence compliance
- Building permit and consent information
(this may include permits or consents for buildings etc that are no longer on the property) - Any notices, orders or requisitions on the land or buildings
What information won't be in a LIM?
- Information about building work carried out without a permit or consent, where consent is required, including fireplaces (unless Council has been notified)
- Information about building work that did not require a permit or consent
- A copy of the property title (Council does not issue or hold the register of property titles)
- Gas pipeline & electricity cable details (these are not Council services)
- Location and details of drains and pipes on the property that are the owner's responsibility is often not held by Council
- Some older building records, including floor plans, may not be held by Council (some consents were issued by other Councils prior to the creation of the South Waikato District Council in 1989. Prior to 1991 Councils were not legally required to hold building permit records so some records simply do not exist)
- Details about noise complaints in a neighbourhood (these generally relate to people and not properties)
- It is possible that there may be information about a property that the Council has not been informed of or cannot locate
- Important: Council staff do not undertake an inspection of the property so cannot advise on the condition of buildings or if work has been undertaken without the necessary consents. The customer must compare the information in the LIM report against their knowledge of the property.
When should I obtain a LIM?
If you are considering purchasing a property in the South Waikato District, it is recommended that you obtain a LIM before finalising the purchase. LIMs are often obtained by property owners considering selling a property and also by developers and consultants planning property projects. Anyone can request a LIM report on any property.
How long will the LIM take to be processed?
Legislation requires that a LIM will be issued within 10 working days. The Act specifies that the period 25 December to 15 January are not counted as working days. Council will make every effort to issue your LIM as soon as possible. Please contact Council to enquire further.
How much does a LIM cost?
Standard fees apply to most properties. However, Council reserves the right to charge a higher fee for LIMs on large or complex properties. View Current Fee for LIMs.
How will I receive my LIM report?
LIMs can usually be emailed to the customer - subject on occasion to limitations on the size of attachments. Reports can also be posted or couriered. Please specify on your application form how you would like to receive your report and ensure your email address and/or mailing address are recorded correctly.
Certificates of Title
Certificates of Title are not mandatory, however If you have a copy of the title(s) for the property, please send this to Council with your application as it may help us issue your LIM report more quickly.
If you would like a copy of a title, these can be purchased from LINZ (Land Information New Zealand)
Phone: 0800 665 463
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