Checklist for Resource Consent
Mandatory Information for Resource Consent Applications
All application must include the following information:
- A description of the activity
- A description of the site where the activity will occur
- The full name and address of each owner or occupier of the site
- A description of any other activities that are part of the proposal to which this application relates
- A description of any other resource consents required for the proposal to which this application relates
- An assessment of the activity against Part 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991. This will need to address section 5 "Purpose", section 6 "Matter of nation importance", section 7 "Other Matters" and section 8 "Treaty of Waitangi"
- An assessment of the activity against any relevant requirements, condition or permissions in any rules in a document (as per section 104(1)(b) of the Resource Management Act)
- An assessment of the activity against any relevant provisions of a:
- Nation Environmental Standard
- National Policy Statement
- Regional Policy Statement
- Regional Plan - A description of any part of the activity that is permitted under the District Plan
- If a permitted activity is part of the proposal to which the application relates, a description of the permitted activity that demonstrates it complies with the relevant requirements and conditions for that permitted activity (so that resource consent not required for that activity).
- An assessment of effects (AEE) of the activity
About AEE
An AEE is an essential part of your application. If an AEE is not provided Council is unlikely to accept your application.
The AEE should discuss all the actual and potential effects of your proposed activity on the environment. Schedule 4 of the Resource Management Act (RMA) outlines all of the matters that must be addressed in your AEE. The amount of detail provided must reflect the scale and significance of the effects that the activity may have on the environment. For example, if there are major effects arising from the proposal, a detailed analysis and discussion of these effects must be included in the AEE. It may require the provision of information from specific experts (eg: a traffic engineer). If the effects of the proposal are very minor, then a less detailed AEE can be submitted.
The Council has information available to assist you to prepare the AEE – please contact us if you have any questions.
Other Information to include with an application for Resource Consent
The following examples of information are not compulsory, but they will be beneficial to your application and will jelp Council make an informed decision about your application. Submitting this information if it is relevant to your proposal may save time and costs further down the track.
- Certificate of title(s)
This must be less than 3 months old for the site(s) to which the application relates. Please attach the title(s) and any consent notices, covenant or easements attached to the title(s). - Locality plan or aerial photo
Please provide at an appropriate scale (for example 1:500). Please indicate the location for the site in relation to the roads and other landmarks. Show the street number of the subject site and those of adjoining sites. - Site plan or scheme plan
Please provide at appropriate scale (for example 1:100) showing the location of the building or activity in relation to all site boundaries. The site plan should include the following where relevant- North point
- Title or Reference No.
- Scale
- Date the plans were drawn
- Topographical information
- Natural features, including protected trees, indigenous vegetation, water courses
- Archaeological and/or cultural/heritage sites
- Certificate of Title boundaries/location of fence positions relative to boundaries
- Accessways and road frontages, including proposed crossing places/right of ways
- Onsite maneuvering and existing and proposed car parking spaces
- Legal and physical roads
- Existing buildings
- Existing wells and/or effluent disposal systems
- Buildings on adjacent sites
- Layout and location of proposed buildings and activity in relation to legal site boundaries
- Earthworks design and contours/areas of excavation
- Landscaping
- Site coverage calculation
- Details of any signage (sign design, dimensions and locations on buildings)
- Areas subject to hazards eg: unstable slopes, areas of flooding, peat soils or fill
- Areas of potential or confirmed contamination
- Elevation plans
Please provide at an appropriate scale (for example 1:50, 1:100 or 1:200) and show all structures to be constructed or altered, showing the relationship and appearance of proposed buildings - Floor plans of proposed building or building to be used
Please clearly show the use of each area - Engineering design plans for any water, wastewater and stormwater
Only concept engineering plans are required at the application stage - Volume of earthworks
This must include area and colume of soil removed/imported and depth of cut/fill - Details of Hazardous Activities and Industries (HAIL) List activity
If you are unsure whether your site is on the HAIL, please contact Council for assistance - Any written approvals - including details of those south but not obtained
Please include and signed written approval forms and signed plans if acquired - Specialist reports to support your application
This may include Traffic Impact Studies, Landscape and Planting Plans, Acoustic Design Certificates etc - Details and outcome of any consultation undertaken with adjacent land owners and occupiers, and relevant bodies. For example, the Regional Council, Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, Transpower, KiwiRail, NZTA, Department of Conservation etc
- Details of any consultation undertaken with iwi
If you are unsure whether your proposal may affect matters of interest to iwi, or who the relevant iwi groups might be, please discuss this with Council prior to lodgement or your application.
Mandatory Information for Subdivision Applications
All applicants for subdivision consents must also include the following information:
- The position of all new boundaries
- The areas of all new allotments, unless the subdivision involves a cross lease, company lease, or unit plan
- The locations and areas of new reserves to be created, including any esplanade reserves and esplanade strips.
- The locations and areas of any existing esplanade reserves, esplanade strips, and access strips.
- The locations and areas of any part of the bed of a river or lake to be vested in a territorial authority under section 237A
- The locations and areas of any land within the coastal marine area (which is to become part of the common marine and coastal area under section 237A)
- The locations and areas of land to be set aside as new roads.
Other information to include in an application for subdivision consent
The following can be included if it's relevant to your proposal:
- A north arrow and scale (1:2000)
- All proposed and existing easements (including private)
- Any amalgamations
- Stages (if applicable)
- Location of fence positions relative to boundaries
- Existing and proposed dimensions and sizes of lots
- Legal and physical roads, access ways and right of ways including grades
- All existing building and structures, their distance to existing and proposed boundaries and the position of any eaves in relation to rights or way/accessway
- Site coverage calculations
- Existing and proposed crossing places and sight distances and separation distances between crossing places
- Building platforms for all allotments including shape factors
- Onsite maneuvering and existing and proposed vehicle parking spaces (where required)
- Significant trees, bush stands, protected trees (including their extent of their drop line), covenanted areas or other features
- Existing high voltage electricity lines and gas lines
- Archaeological and/or cultural heritage sites
- Water bodies
- Areas of likely or confirmed contamination
- Areas subject to land hazards eg unstable slopes, areas of flooding, peat soils, fill
- Location of existing and proposed service connections (including connections to reticulated services) and/or systems i.e water, wastewater, stormwater and any easements
- Onsite effluent treatment and disposal areas and fields
- Details of proposed stormwater management appropriate to the scale and nature of the subdivision
- Pipework and onsite stormwater systems
- Open drains (including ownership)
- Effect of subdivision and end use on existing overland flow paths
- Contours showing existing and finished ground level (levels to the relevant datum) at 0.5m intervals within the subdivision, and at 2 metre intervals on adjoining properties (to enable effects on those properties to be assessed). A separate plan may be needed to show these details
- Areas of proposed or existing fill or excavation
- Any proposed retaining walls or embankments (note if retaining wall over 1 m is proposed, a typical cross section is required.
- In urban areas, details of the percentage of proposed and existing impermeable and permeable areas
Natural hazards, eg unstable slopes, areas of flooding, ponding, peat soils. - Elevations (to scale) of buildings which are affected by the location of new boundaries (eg where height in relation to boundary rules apply)