Joining the Library
Is it free to join?
Membership is free if you live in the South Waikato District. Those outside the area boundaries may apply for an out of district membership. Yearly subscription and other library charges may apply.
Can I join online?
Yes, you can join online. New memberships must be activated in person at one of our library sites in Tokoroa, Putāruru or Tīrau. You will need to bring valid photo identification and current proof of address (no more than one month old).
You can complete a Digital Only membership online which will only provide you with access to library eBooks, audiobooks and other electronic items.
What are the conditions of membership?
- Your membership entitles you to borrow from the Tokoroa and Putāruru libraries, and Library Link in Tīrau.
- Membership for children under 18 requires parental or guardian consent. This consent acknowledges responsibility for all items and any charges incurred.
- Your library card is required when you visit the library to borrow items, renew items, place holds or update membership details.
- If you don't have your library card, you must provide valid photo ID.
- Library staff take no responsibility for borrower's selection of items.
- It is unlawful to remove any items from the library without first having them issued.
- You must not lend your library card to other people.
- You are responsible for all the materials borrowed against your card and for any charges incurred. Lost books incur an administration charge. See Fees and Charges for current charge.
- A cost is incurred for replacement or damaged cards. Photo ID must be provided. See Fees and Charges for current charge.
- If your card is lost or stolen, tell us immediately so that we can stop other people using it.
- Please let us know promptly if any information changes, such as your address or phone number, so that we can update our records.
How many books can I take out?
A maximum of 15 items may be issued at any one time on a child or adult card, or 20 items on a family card.
What if I want to keep my books longer?
You can phone any of our branches; Tokoroa, Putāruru, or Tīrau to renew your books or you can do it online or by emailing
Renewals are charged at rental prices. Hot pick books cannot be renewed.
Toys, children's puzzles and magazines can be renewed once.
All other items can be renewed twice, except if they have been requested by another borrower.
What if I'm late returning my books?
If items are late there is a daily charge applied, and this varies by item type.
All library sites have after-hours returns slots for safe return of items outside of opening hours. Items can be returned to any of the three library sites in Tokoroa, Putāruru or Tīrau. As a courtesy, the library will usually remind you of late books by email, SMS or letter, but it remains your responsibility to return items on time whether there is a reminder or not.
What if I lose a book?
You cannot use your library card while you have a lost item on it. When items have been overdue for four weeks, the library will send out a final reminder letter, with the cost of the items plus overdue fines and administration/processing fees as at that date. If you pay for the books and then find them, the overdue fines and administration/processing fees are not included in any refunds.
What do you do about vandalism and stealing?
Removing items from the library without having them checked out first is not only illegal but also results in money having to be spent on replacing these items instead of purchasing new books. If the item is out of print it means that the library can no longer buy it and you have just decided for everyone else in our community that nobody else can read that book.
Can I eat and drink in the library?
Drinks in a spill-proof bottle and kai which is not messy are allowed.
Our library teams are still able to ask patrons to leave if they pose a damage threat to the material or behave in ways that are uncomfortable to others.
What if I don't think the library should have a certain book?
The library supports citizens’ freedom to read and to access information and seeks to represent a range of viewpoints and opinions; the library doesn’t represent one single viewpoint in any area. Any material which has been passed by the Chief Censor may be bought for the library. Items classified as restricted will be treated as such. The library also upholds your rights to challenge content that you object to. Objections about library material may be provided in writing for the attention of the Libraries Leadership team. If you believe an item should be censored or restricted, you should contact Te Mana Whakaatu Classification Office to make a classification request.
What if I don't want my child to take out certain things?
The reading, listening and viewing choices of children and young adults are the responsibility of their parents or guardians. The library cannot take on this role, and any restrictions must be enforced by families.