Dog Licensing and Registration
Registration Fees
If you are a dog owner, that has not paid your dog registration in full or has defaulted on your agreed weekly payments, you will receive an Infringement for Failing to Register a dog. Please understand that if you remain non-compliant and your Infringement has gone through the court system, Compliance Officers are then obliged to seize your dog(s) and impound it/them until the balance of the dog registration is paid in full. You, as the owner of that dog will incur a seizure fee and daily sustenance fees.
For registration fees, please see the Fees and Charges section of our website. You are welcome to pay by cash at the counter of the Council offices in Putaruru and Tokoroa or The Dog in Tirau or via internet banking payment options (listed on the reverse of the registration form).
Council supports regular automatic payments to make dog registration easier to manage. Please come and speak to our Customer Service Officers about setting up an automatic payment.
Selected Owners Policy
In an effort to encourage people to take really good care of their dogs and be highly responsible dog owners, Council has a Selected Owner Policy. Council regards this policy as a privilege and not a right. As a result, the fees for this category are substantially lower than the standard fee.
A number of criteria apply:
- You are required to apply on the standard form available from the South Waikato District Council 0ffices.
- You are required to have a suitably fenced property.
- You must have had no validated complaints regarding your dog(s) for the 12 months prior to your application. (ie, no barking, aggression or wandering complaints, or impounding)
- You must not have had a prosecution or infringement for a dog-related offence for the 24-month period prior to your application.
- Your dog registration fees must be paid in full prior to 1 August each year.
- You will be asked to sign a declaration form stating that you understand and agree to comply with these criteria.
A registered pig-hunter will not lose his SOP status, should his/her dog(s) be impounded after being caught in the forests during the prescribed hunting season. However, normal retrieval fees would be required.
Failing to comply with any of the above may result in your Selected Owner Policy licence being revoked.
You must apply to Council for an SOP inspection of your property prior to 31 May* each year so that we are able to set the appropriate fees to all dog owner files before the fee goes onto your account and are posted out to you. So make it a priority and apply now.
The Selected Owner Policy application form is available in our online portal.
New microchip laws came into effect on 1 July 2006. All dogs first registered on or after 01 July 2006 need to be chipped. Working dogs are exempt from micro-chipping by law. Council's Compliance Officers are available to microchip your dog for a small fee (see Fees and Charges). Contact Council to make an appointment. For Council contact details see our "Contacts" page.
This is a simple procedure taking only minutes and is crucial if your dog gets lost or stolen. Many dogs have been returned to their owners after long periods of time because a Compliance Officer or Veterinarian has been able to locate an owner through the owner's details attached to the microchip. Microchips inserted in animals are not loaded with a GPS, they simply have a sequence of numbers that when put into the National Dog Database will reveal the owner's contact details and a description of the dog.
Deceased dogs
If a registered dog dies, a refund will be made on request:
- where the dog dies before the start of the registration year, the full fee will be refunded
- where the dog dies during the year, one twelfth of the annual fee for each complete month remaining after the date of the application.
Moving house
If you move house within the District, you need to notify Council by phone or in writing. If you move to another District, you need to notify the South Waikato District Council and the council for the District you are moving to. Registration tags are easily swapped between different Districts at no additional charge to you as an owner. Failure to advise local authorities in writing or phone of a change of address and registration details can result in a court fine (see Fees and Charges).