Council’s contractor, Keir Projects, is now working on the most technically difficult part of the existing track, in the area often referred to as ‘The Gorge’.
So named due to the steepness of the terrain, the Gorge is difficult to access and difficult to work in. Keir Projects is using a variety of specialised equipment to reach the area such as a small excavator and tracked dumper, which are small enough and light enough to fly in slung under a helicopter. Keir Projects is working closely with Heli A1 on the Te Waihou project. The helicopter is also used to fly in materials e.g. timber beams and crushed rock.
Some of the shorter replacement boardwalks are being put together off site and flown in in one piece. Lowering a six-metre-long section of boardwalk through tree canopy into rocky terrain, which the pilot can’t see, is a tricky operation which must be carefully managed. On the ground, while waiting to guide the materials into position, the Keir Projects team are trained in remote sites and helicopter logistics which minimises the risks on the project.
SWDC is grateful to Keir Projects for their expertise and experience, without which these repairs could not take place.