Council is looking for community input into the Draft Tokoroa, Tīrau and Arapuni concept plans.
Concept plans are written to capture the aspirations of our unique South Waikato communities, develop collaborative action plans and propose timelines; so that we can include projects in Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP) 2021-31.
Think about our unique communities. What is your vision for the town? What is good about your town, how can we improve it and how might we achieve it?
Council and the community have done a lot of work on developing the Tokoroa, Tīrau and Arapuni concept plans. Over the past year we have had meetings, workshops and presentations.
“Community voices have driven the draft concept plans,” said Marama Tahapehi, Council’s Community Development Planner. “We’ve pulled all of the discussions together into a draft plan and we’re interested in further feedback from people who have already been involved and people who have not yet had the opportunity to let us know what they think.”
“We’re asking our community if we have captured this correctly in the draft plans and if there is something missing,” continued Ms Tahapehi. “The completion of the Tokoroa, Tīrau and Arapuni Plans will bring them in line with the already revised Putāruru Concept Plan.”
How would you like to see Tokoroa, Tīrau and Arapuni developed? Have a read of the draft plans and let us know by Friday 22 January 2021.
Feedback forms are available from the Council offices in Putāruru and Tokoroa, Tīrau i-SITE and district libraries. There is also our online Social Pinpoint platform – the South Waikato Connection which gives you the opportunity to provide feedback wherever you are during this holiday period.