Mayoral Scholarship 2025
Criteria for Selection
- Submission of curriculum vitae, references and application form by 11 October 2024; and
- Appropriate NZQA-approved University entrance details (refer section B of application form); and
- Reference from the Principal of the student’s secondary school or an appropriate other person if the applicant has been away from school for more than 12 months; and
- Evidence of extra curricular activities; and
- South Waikato residency
Other matters that may be considered include: whether the tertiary skills would be of benefit to Council; the financial capacity of the applicant to complete a qualification with no external assistance, and any other factor the selection or interview panel may wish to consider.
Selection Panel
A selection panel will consist of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and a representative from the People and Capability team. The purpose of the selection panel is to create a shortlist of applicants for interview. The decision of the selection panel will be final, all candidates will be notified and no further correspondence will be entered into with applicants who are not shortlisted.
Interview Panel
Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and a representative from the People and Capability team. The decision of the interview panel will be final, all candidates will be notified and no further correspondence will be entered into with unsuccessful applicants.
- Holiday work experience may be offered to the successful applicant by Council during the term of the course of study. If such work is offered, the student would be expected to accept the offer.
- On completion of the qualification, the Scholarship recipient may be offered employment with Council. If such an offer is made, the person would be expected to accept the offer.
Special Conditions
Any of the following events during the term of the course of study would result in the recipient losing their Mayoral Scholarship:
- A criminal conviction
- Failure of more than 20% of papers in any one year
- Leaving full time study before the completion of their Degree
- Failure to provide academic transcripts as requested
Payment of the Scholarship
There will be two equal payments, the first being in February and the second in August of each year.
Initial enquiries should be made to