Corridor Access Request
He tūwheratanga pānui huarahi
Fees and Charges - 2024-25
Corridor access requests (which used to be called road opening notices) are required for, but not limited to:
Any activity that alters the surface of any part of the road reserve. The placement of any pipe, duct, pole, cabinet or structure on or above the road reserve (corridor).
A traffic management plan (see section 43) is required for any activity that alters the normal movement of pedestrians or vehicles within the road reserve.
A site lay plan is required to be submitted with all corridor access requests.
For information on how to locate and protect services in the area of the proposed works, use the 'beforeUdig' website -
Single occurrence permit | 2024-25 |
Urban including up to 2 site inspections | $550 |
Rural including up to 2 site inspections | $700 |
Additional inspections / amendments / non-compliance | $175 / hour |